Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Mrzla torta

Mrzla torta
(Cold Torte)
I found this recipe folded up in some another cookbook.  I believe it is in Slovenian and that is what I used to translate on google translate.

It didn't translate perfectly.  but I think it did well enough to figure out what it is.  It seems to be a chocolate tiramisu of sorts,

using albert biscuits
(I'm guessing these tasted similar to honey graham cracker? but slightly thicker??)

If you try it please send a photo...I don't cook with eggs(allergies in family) so it doesn't pay to try this but it sounds yummy.

10 dkg = 1 cup

Mrzla Torta

60-65 dkg štirioglatih keksov(albert keksi) namakaj v močna sladki črni kavi z malo ruma

Mešaj nad soparo 25 kdg finega kristal sladkorja z 1 celim jajcem in 1 rumenjakom tako dolog, da se sladkor popolnoma razpusti. 

Nato primešaj 10 dkg  čocolade v prahu in vse skupaj vlij na 1/4 kg zmehčanega masla ter mešaj vse skupaj toliko časa, da postane masa lepo gladka.Lahko primesas tudi zmlete orehe.

Ravni krožnik (ne ovalni) potrosi s kristal sladkorjem, nato naloži kekse.  Namaži s krem, potem zopet vrsta keksov i.t.d.

Torta mora stati na hladnem ali v hladidiniku vsaj 1-2 dni.
Torta mora stati na hladvem ali v hladidiniku vsaj 1-2 dni.

60-65 dkg of quartz biscuits (Albert biscuits) soaked in strong sweet black coffee with a little rum

Stir over a sop of 25 kdg of fine sugar with 1 whole egg and 1 egg yolk until the sugar dissolves completely.

Then stir in 10 dkg of chocolate powder and pour in 1/4 kg of softened butter and mix together until smooth until smooth. You can also mix ground nuts.

Sprinkle a flat plate (not oval) with crystal sugar, then load the biscuits. Spread with cream, then again a series of biscuits i.t.d.

The cake should be refrigerated or refrigerated for at least 1-2 dayss.

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