Sunday, June 16, 2019

Sauerkraut Candy

Sauerkraut Candy

As I started looking through recipes I came across this one written on a calendar page from 1958.  I actually called grandma and asked why on earth there is a recipe titled "Sauerkraut Candy", and how could that possibly be good?????

She asked me to read the ingredients and low and behold it has NO Sauerkraut!

Just coconut.  She said years ago the shredded coconut came in longer strands and probably looked like sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut Candy

In a large sauce pan combine:

2 cups brown sugar
2 Cups white sugar
2 cups water

Boil till soft ball stage

add 1 Tbsp butter
mix till melts
let it cool awhile

add 1 cup shredded coconut
Stir until it starts to thicken and harden
Drop onto wax paper or buttered tins.

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