Monday, July 8, 2019

Gramma's Adventures in Wine making

Gramma's Adventures in Wine making

While looking through recipe cabinets I came across a small box with wine making supplies.  I vaguely remember large vats of single batches of wine recipes.  Of course back then the most we got was a sip.

I don't know if I'll ever make wine but here are her recipes some for wines some for liquors.
(I will add more of her wine recipes as I have time)

Raspberry Wine

3.5 pounds raspberries
3.5 pounds sugar
1 gal boiling water

Place raspberries in large bowl pour over gal of boiling water.  
Stir well with wooden spoon.
cover bowl and leave for 10 days
after 10 days strain liquid off into another bowl and stir in 3.5 pounds sugar
after adding sugar cover bowl and leave for 5 days
Bottle cork loosely at first and fill up till wine comes over top of bottle
Ready in 9 months.

Raspberry Cordial
(I found this one interesting as it didn't give a start date just the end dates of xmas and easter!!!)

1 qt whiskey(cheapest)
2 qts raspberries
1 .5 cups of sugar  & 1/2 cup water(boiled to syrup)(cool)
combine and let stand till xmas
strain and put in bottles

Easter wine
put strained berries back in container, add 1/2 gallon white muscatel wine and let stand till Easter and strain again

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